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Modeled Temperature highly Underestimated

santosh pandey

New member
Hi everyone,
I am using WRF V4.1.2 in a complex Terrain, I got highly underestimated timeseries of temperature which is weired. I have extracted the data using the south_north and west_east coordinates that I had used for preparation of namelist.wps for the innermost domain. The ectracted temperature are less than 273kelvin, so all the timeseries shows negative values of it in degree centigrade. I think the model has extracted the temperature at 1000m height above the ground surface. Can you please help me to solve this issue?
Thank you very much.

You said "I think the model has extracted the temperature at 1000m height above the ground surface" - what make you think this? How are you extracting the data to compare? Do you see these low values when looking at the file through, e.g., ncview?


You said "I think the model has extracted the temperature at 1000m height above the ground surface" - what make you think this? How are you extracting the data to compare? Do you see these low values when looking at the file through, e.g., ncview?

Hi Jordan,
I used a script file to extract the output in txt format using bash command. so after I got the txt file I deducted each of the the modeled temperatures timeseries from 273 and every value is below -15, which cannot happen in reality on my domain. Only possible in high mountains above 3000m or covered with snow.
One more thing i have noticed is XLAT and XLONG valuse of the extracted data are far from lat long of the meteorological station whose observed data I am using.

Would you please clarify how you obtain time series of T from wrfout?
I used bash script which extract the output in .txt format, but my XLAT value corresponds to the extreme south_north edge of the domain and it extracts the T2 at the extreme edge.
By 'extreme edge', do you mean the data is from points located in the buffer zone? If so, please note that the model output at the lateral buffer zone is often discarded because they re severely affected by the forcing data.