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Hi all,
I am trying to run WRF with modified ERA-I data (i.e., I added a perturbation to the original data). When I ran WRF using the unmodified ERA-I data, following instructions from https://www.hennohavenga.com/wrf/era-interim/climate/2017/09/20/wrf-and-era.html, it worked fine, including the calc_ecmwf_p program.
Despite outputting the perturbed ERA-I data in what appears to be the same format as the original (including grib formatting, grib codes, and zaxis types), I get the following error when I run calc_ecmwf_p.exe:
This warning appears for all levels (59 down to 2), and at each time. However, the program still outputs 'PRES' files that output GHT, RH, and PRESSURE at each model level (see attached 'PRES' file).View attachment PRES_2007-05-09_12.rtf
My namelist.wps file is also attached here: View attachment namelist.wps.rtf
If you could please let me know how to solve this issue with calc_ecmwf_p.exe, I'd appreciate it.
I am trying to run WRF with modified ERA-I data (i.e., I added a perturbation to the original data). When I ran WRF using the unmodified ERA-I data, following instructions from https://www.hennohavenga.com/wrf/era-interim/climate/2017/09/20/wrf-and-era.html, it worked fine, including the calc_ecmwf_p program.
Despite outputting the perturbed ERA-I data in what appears to be the same format as the original (including grib formatting, grib codes, and zaxis types), I get the following error when I run calc_ecmwf_p.exe:
Reading from FILE at time 2007-05-09_12
Found SOILHGT field in FILE:2007-05-09_12
Found PSFC field in FILE:2007-05-09_12
WARNING First level is missing!
WARNING No available level found near level 59 !
This warning appears for all levels (59 down to 2), and at each time. However, the program still outputs 'PRES' files that output GHT, RH, and PRESSURE at each model level (see attached 'PRES' file).View attachment PRES_2007-05-09_12.rtf
My namelist.wps file is also attached here: View attachment namelist.wps.rtf
If you could please let me know how to solve this issue with calc_ecmwf_p.exe, I'd appreciate it.