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modified the parameters of buildings and street

2023xiaoli -a

New member
Hello, teachers, I have a question. Now I'm at URBPARM In TNL, the street width and building height of the city have been modified. In addition, the building height under three different city classifications has been set to a large number (100m100%), and then at the same height, the impact on the urban temperature has been explored according to the different densities mentioned above. However, I found that the results of the examples of different densities I set seem to be the same. Is it not effective to change the parameters in URBPARM.TBL, What else do I need to do? The following is my URBPARM.TBL data. I set sf in the input_ urban_ physics=3,4fc847e0e8a81112c42be0e5e7ad352.png
I don't have an immediate answer to this question. I am not sure whether the effects of changes in street width and building height offset each other. I would suggest that you change the parameter one by one, then check their individual impact. Note that the model may not be highly sensitive to the changes in these parameters, so please be careful when you try to identify the differences.
Thank you for your answer. Maybe your suggestion is right. It is possible that the mutual influence of the two parameters will offset the difference, or the result will not cause obvious difference in the changes of these parameters. I will adjust it again