I am running a real case to study a future climate scenario as it compares to a current case. To do this, I modify the wrfinput and wrflow file per the methodology in Keller et al. (2018) in the following ways:
1. Add 2K to all absolute temperatures
2. Adjust QVAPOR such that the RH remains constant.
Everything worked fine for these files. However, when I take a look at the wrfbdy file, the perturbation theta values (T_BXS, T_BXE, T_BYS, & T_BYE) are definitely not potential temperature perturbations; they look like fill values. Their tendencies (T_BTXS, T_BTXE, T_BTYS, & T_BTYE) look reasonable, however. The QVAPOR variables also follow this trend (unphysical absolute values but reasonable tendencies).
I think I can thus leave the wrfbdy file alone for this short future climate experiment. However, I need to be absolutely sure that I've interpreted the meaning of the temperature and vapor variables in the boundary file.
Many thanks,
Source: "The sensitivity of Alpine summer convection to surrogate climate change: an intercomparison between convective-parameterizing and convective-resolving models" --ACP
I am running a real case to study a future climate scenario as it compares to a current case. To do this, I modify the wrfinput and wrflow file per the methodology in Keller et al. (2018) in the following ways:
1. Add 2K to all absolute temperatures
2. Adjust QVAPOR such that the RH remains constant.
Everything worked fine for these files. However, when I take a look at the wrfbdy file, the perturbation theta values (T_BXS, T_BXE, T_BYS, & T_BYE) are definitely not potential temperature perturbations; they look like fill values. Their tendencies (T_BTXS, T_BTXE, T_BTYS, & T_BTYE) look reasonable, however. The QVAPOR variables also follow this trend (unphysical absolute values but reasonable tendencies).
I think I can thus leave the wrfbdy file alone for this short future climate experiment. However, I need to be absolutely sure that I've interpreted the meaning of the temperature and vapor variables in the boundary file.
Many thanks,
Source: "The sensitivity of Alpine summer convection to surrogate climate change: an intercomparison between convective-parameterizing and convective-resolving models" --ACP