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Namelist parameters for a meteotsunami in the Mediterranean Sea


New member
Hello all,
I am currently running some simulations to reproduce a meteotsunami that occured in the Western part of the Mediterranean Sea (in the South of France). I wonder if some of you know what parameters to use in the namelist for this specific type of events (precisely in the physics and dynamics blocs) ; or, in a less specific domain, what parameters to use for this part of the Mediterranean Sea in general.
Thanks for your help !
Yes I'm aware of that, I'm using WRF just to simulate the weather, the tsunami part is with another model. The thing is I don't really know if there are specific parameters to use in the namelist for a meteorological event that could cause a meteotsunami or for the Western part of the Mediterranean Sea in general.
There is no specific option for specific weather in WRF. Please follow the 'normal' steps to run WRF and select appropriate physics/dynamic options for your case.