Hello, I am planning to run WRF model to do sensitivity experiment. First step is that I need to simulate my rainfall cases with suitable parameterization.
I am confused with the issues listed below. Can anyone help me please?
I have a rainfall case (2016071101-2016071108). The red rectangle is my research area.
1. I have downloaded ERA5 data. Please see my down1.txt and down2.txt and namelist.wps. I download data from 2016071000-2016071123 and those data as my input era5 data:
./link_grib.csh /yyp/run_test/era5data/* (are my ERA5 data and namelist.wps reasonable to simulate my case?)
2. This is my start and end data. I set the same time for d01 and d02, but I have seen other tutorials which the d01 and d02 time are different. Why?
start_date = '2016-07-10_20:00:00', '2016-07-10_20:00:00',
end_date = '2016-07-11_12:00:00','2016-07-11_12:00:00',
3. After simulating my rainfall cases, I would like to do a sensitivity experiment. I will multiply 0.7 to my wind speed to identify the effect of low-level jet. How should I proceed? Which data should I modify?
4. If I want to keep my initial field unchanged but my lateral boundary field changed, which data should I modify?
Thank you so much for your help in advance!

I am confused with the issues listed below. Can anyone help me please?
I have a rainfall case (2016071101-2016071108). The red rectangle is my research area.
1. I have downloaded ERA5 data. Please see my down1.txt and down2.txt and namelist.wps. I download data from 2016071000-2016071123 and those data as my input era5 data:
./link_grib.csh /yyp/run_test/era5data/* (are my ERA5 data and namelist.wps reasonable to simulate my case?)
2. This is my start and end data. I set the same time for d01 and d02, but I have seen other tutorials which the d01 and d02 time are different. Why?
start_date = '2016-07-10_20:00:00', '2016-07-10_20:00:00',
end_date = '2016-07-11_12:00:00','2016-07-11_12:00:00',
3. After simulating my rainfall cases, I would like to do a sensitivity experiment. I will multiply 0.7 to my wind speed to identify the effect of low-level jet. How should I proceed? Which data should I modify?
4. If I want to keep my initial field unchanged but my lateral boundary field changed, which data should I modify?
Thank you so much for your help in advance!