New member
Hello, I attended the MPAS-A model tutorial in early May. I try to run the limited-area simulations same as the tutorial, but use a higher-resolution mesh. I have tried with the 30-km mesh downloaded from MPAS-Atmosphere Meshes. All the settings are the same as the tutorial in Section 4 expect for changing the regional domain to West US. The data are all from the path in the tutorial: /glade/p/mmm/wmr/mpas_tutorial/met_data/. The namelist and streams file are edited according to Section 4 of the tutorial.
I have attached the log, namelist, and streams files. There is no error in the log.atmosphere.0000.out file. The model just stopped running when u & w becomes NaN. Please see below copied from the log.out file:
Begin timestep 2019-09-01_00:24:00
--- time to run the LW radiation scheme L_RADLW =F
--- time to run the SW radiation scheme L_RADSW =F
--- time to run the convection scheme L_CONV =T
--- time to apply limit to accumulated rainc and rainnc L_ACRAIN =F
--- time to apply limit to accumulated radiation diags. L_ACRADT =F
--- time to calculate additional physics_diagnostics =F
split dynamics-transport integration 3
global min, max w NaN NaN
global min, max u NaN NaN
Timing for integration step: 0.103064 s
Begin timestep 2019-09-01_00:30:00
--- time to run the LW radiation scheme L_RADLW =T
--- time to run the SW radiation scheme L_RADSW =T
--- time to run the convection scheme L_CONV =T
--- time to update the ozone climatology for RRTMG radiation codes
--- time to apply limit to accumulated rainc and rainnc L_ACRAIN =F
--- time to apply limit to accumulated radiation diags. L_ACRADT =F
--- time to calculate additional physics_diagnostics =F
I am pretty new in MPAS-A model and have no experience in running WRF (or regional area model). In addition, I also tried the 48-km mesh with my selected West US domain, and it run successfully. However, the 24-km mesh does not work. Thanks in advance for your help!
I have attached the log, namelist, and streams files. There is no error in the log.atmosphere.0000.out file. The model just stopped running when u & w becomes NaN. Please see below copied from the log.out file:
Begin timestep 2019-09-01_00:24:00
--- time to run the LW radiation scheme L_RADLW =F
--- time to run the SW radiation scheme L_RADSW =F
--- time to run the convection scheme L_CONV =T
--- time to apply limit to accumulated rainc and rainnc L_ACRAIN =F
--- time to apply limit to accumulated radiation diags. L_ACRADT =F
--- time to calculate additional physics_diagnostics =F
split dynamics-transport integration 3
global min, max w NaN NaN
global min, max u NaN NaN
Timing for integration step: 0.103064 s
Begin timestep 2019-09-01_00:30:00
--- time to run the LW radiation scheme L_RADLW =T
--- time to run the SW radiation scheme L_RADSW =T
--- time to run the convection scheme L_CONV =T
--- time to update the ozone climatology for RRTMG radiation codes
--- time to apply limit to accumulated rainc and rainnc L_ACRAIN =F
--- time to apply limit to accumulated radiation diags. L_ACRADT =F
--- time to calculate additional physics_diagnostics =F
I am pretty new in MPAS-A model and have no experience in running WRF (or regional area model). In addition, I also tried the 48-km mesh with my selected West US domain, and it run successfully. However, the 24-km mesh does not work. Thanks in advance for your help!