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NCL doesn't display my Domain Preview


New member
I was trying to use the plotgrids.ncl example found on the ncl examples page but I noticed that none of the colors where present on this plot. Therefore I tried reinstalling my version of NCL. Once I finished with the reinstallation, I tried to use this file, but got the following output:

Copyright (C) 1995-2019 - All Rights Reserved University Corporation for Atmospheric Research NCAR Command Language Version 6.6.2 The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement. See for more details. fatal:syntax error: function wrf_ctt expects 9 arguments, got 8 fatal:error at line 2146 in file /home/fisica/Build_WRF/NCL_files/Scripts/WRFUserARW.ncl fatal:Syntax Error in block, block not executed fatal:error at line 2246 in file /home/fisica/Build_WRF/NCL_files/Scripts/WRFUserARW.ncl GKS ERROR NUMBER -208 ISSUED FROM SUBROUTINE GOPWK : --X driver error: DISPLAY environment variable not set GKS ERROR NUMBER 25 ISSUED FROM SUBROUTINE GESC : --SPECIFIED WORKSTATION IS NOT OPEN fatal:Workstation with PID#8 is not open fatal:Unable to open Workstation-Can't Create fatal:Unable to access object with id:-4 fatal:PID #-4 can't be found in NhlSetValues fatal:_NhlCreate:Invalid Parent id #-4 fatal:PID #-4 can't be found in NhlSetValues fatal:Invalid plot ID=-4 passed to NhlGetBB fatal:NhlGetValues:PID #-4 is invalid fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 2235 in file /home/fisica/Build_WRF/NCL_files/Scripts/gsn_code.ncl fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 3388 in file /home/fisica/Build_WRF/NCL_files/Scripts/gsn_code.ncl fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 10360 in file /home/fisica/Build_WRF/NCL_files/Scripts/gsn_code.ncl fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 4128 in file /home/fisica/Build_WRF/NCL_files/Scripts/WRFUserARW.ncl fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 4247 in file /home/fisica/Build_WRF/NCL_files/Scripts/WRFUserARW.ncl fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 199 in file plotgrids_new.ncl

I don't understand why I get this errors, since I only have 3 domains.
I attach my namelist.wps and the plotgrids.ncl file I'm using.

I could use any help with this issue since I'm just starting with NCL.

Thanks in advance!!


    3.3 KB · Views: 5
When you download WPS, you can find th script util/plotgrids_new.ncl. You can simply run this scrip by
ncl util/plotgrids_new.ncl.
Please let me know whether it works.
Hi, when I use this script I get the plot but it doesn't display none of the colors it's supposed to, showing just a plain white plot as seen in the attached picture.
Captura desde 2022-09-07 08-32-16.png
How could I solve this issue, so that the plot is displayed as it's supposed to?

This also happens when I try to plot the geogrid fields, as I don't get the corresponding contours.


  • plt_geo_6.pdf
    66.9 KB · Views: 19
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Please download NCL scripts from NCL Graphics
You can run these scripts to plot figures using various WRF-related files, e.g., geo_em, met_em, wrfout, etc.