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ndown never ends !


New member
Hi to all,

I have compiled WRF v4.4.2 successfully with gcc 10.4, openmpi 4.1.4, netcdf 4.9.2, hdf5 1.14.0. I have a problem with ndown.exe execution. My case is a uncoupled (seperated runs) one-way nesting. Domain 1 is ran successfully (real.exe & wrf.exe) and a problem with no errors appears with domain 2. For domain 2 real.exe is running successfully and going to perform the nestdown (after the necessary renaming etc) the process never ends. The namelists and domains I am using it is the same since WRFV3.4. Up to WRFV4.1.2 I had no issue but now with WRFV4.4.2 I am stuck in ndown with no error. Below is the only message appearing in rsl.

FILE: rsl.error.0000
taskid: 0 hostname:
module_io_quilt_old.F 2931 T
Ntasks in X 4 , ntasks in Y 8
Domain # 1: dx = 15000.000 m

Please guide me how to pinpoint the problem. I am attaching the nestdown namelist.

Thanks in advance

PS: I tried WRF v4.3.0 to 4.3.3 new compilations with no luck. I am guessing the either it is a problem in compilation libraries I am using, or in the namelist ?


  • namelist.input.D01D02.txt
    4.9 KB · Views: 2
Can you attach the files I would need to try to test this out? So I will need your wrfbdy_d01, wrfndi_d02, and wrfout* files from the initial domain 01 simulation. I'm sure these files will all be too large to attach here, so if you don't have another method of easily sharing the files with me, take a look at the home page of this forum for instructions on sharing large files. Thanks!