I am running MPAS 7.3 on a 10 km mesh with NOAH (same version as in WRF) and I am facing negative Q2 values over very high elevations and snow covered areas in the southern Andes as described in the WRF forum in 2021. The ECMWF analysis used to initialize shows small values (0.1 g/kg) but no negative values of QVAPOR in the lowest model levels.
I made lots of tests and I figured out that when changing the sign of the "DEW" variable in module_sf_noahlsm.F, line 795 lots of negative Q2 values are gone.
For snow-free areas, e.g. in the NOPAC subroutine, DEW is set to -ETP1 while there is a comment "REINITIALIZE ETP1 TO ZERO" but I do not see this in the code.
I should add that at these grid cells the difference between TSK and the lowest model level temperature in the ECMWF analysis is in the range of 15 K (TSK << T3D(i,1,j))
I am absolutely not an expert in soil processes so I am curious to hear your opinion on that.
I am running MPAS 7.3 on a 10 km mesh with NOAH (same version as in WRF) and I am facing negative Q2 values over very high elevations and snow covered areas in the southern Andes as described in the WRF forum in 2021. The ECMWF analysis used to initialize shows small values (0.1 g/kg) but no negative values of QVAPOR in the lowest model levels.
I made lots of tests and I figured out that when changing the sign of the "DEW" variable in module_sf_noahlsm.F, line 795 lots of negative Q2 values are gone.
For snow-free areas, e.g. in the NOPAC subroutine, DEW is set to -ETP1 while there is a comment "REINITIALIZE ETP1 TO ZERO" but I do not see this in the code.
I should add that at these grid cells the difference between TSK and the lowest model level temperature in the ECMWF analysis is in the range of 15 K (TSK << T3D(i,1,j))
I am absolutely not an expert in soil processes so I am curious to hear your opinion on that.