Dear all,
I am happy to inform you of the new version 2 of the CORDEX-WRF module (by now, only available for WRF v4.5.1):
1.- module available from GIT
2.- Corrections to existing diagnostics
3.- New added diagnostics
4.- Future plans
5.- Acknowledgments
------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -
1.- Module available from GIT
The module is now available from CIMA's GIT
Home · Wiki · Lluis Fita Borrell / CDXWRF · GitLab
2.- Corrections to existing diagnostics
The former version of the diagnostics have various errors which have been fixed:
* fixing cape, cin, ... from AFWA module (it has some errors, since version v3.7.1 of the code is being used). Now code from WRFV4.3.1 is used (fixed by Zhixiao)
* clwvi: condensated water path fixed, to be as the vertical integration of QVAPOR+QCLOUD+QICE+SNOW
3.- New added diagnostics
New diagnostics have been added into the module:
* tas_or, qvs_or: 2m air temperature and water vapour mixing ratio from LMDZ GCM diagnostics
* qc_pl, qr_pl, qs_pl, qi_pl, qg_pl, qh_pl: p-level interpolation of all the other water species (cloud, rain, snow, ice, graupel and hail)
* iut, ivt: vertical integration of hoirzontal water vapour transport
* tws: wet bulb temperature using "Stull, R. (2011), J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol. 50(11):2267-2269". doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-11-0143.1
* zmlagen: generic boundary layer height based on the bulk Richardson number after (Vogelezang and Holtslag, 1996; Seidel et al., 2004)
Introduction of a new parameter in the cordexdiag section of the namelist zmlagen_diag: diagnostic of generic boundary layer height zmla
> thetae-stability (default)
> bulk Richardson number
* ta50m, hus50m, ua50m, va50m: extrapolation of temperature, humidity and wind at 50 m following Monin-Obukhov similarity theory
* qv_pl_mc, qc_pl_mc, qr_pl_mc, qs_pl_mc, qi_pl_mc, qg_pl_mc, qh_pl_mc: mass-conservative p-level interpolation of all the water species
* 0-isotherm: height above ground at which temperature becomes 0 ºC
New level CDXWRF=3
* simultaneous time of residence: variable that aggregates the time ('time of residence') at the grid point simultaneously passed at 2 bins (range of values) for 2 different 2D variables. In this case: 2-m temperature (tas) and humidty (hurs).
4.- Future plans
I am working directly from a forked branch taken from the main WRF repository in order to send them back all the module. Still some work to do, but preliminary versions of the code already compile on it
I am planning new developments which might include (suggestions are welcomed)
* Specific diagnostics related to the urban environment: 2-m roof temperature and humidity, ...
* In-time wind rose considering wind-gusts
* Maximum moving hourly precipitation rate
* cumulus/non-cumulus/orographic decomposition of precipitation as it is done in Poujol et al, doi: 10.1002/qj.3706 (since at high resolutions without cumulus schemes there is not RAINNC)
* universal thermal climate index (UTCI)
5.- Acknowledgments
This is a community effort. Without multiple contributions this would not be possible:
Thanks to Dr. Marisa Gassman and Natalia Tonti (DCAO, UBA, Argentina) for their suggestions, comments and explanations. RegIPSL developing team for their comments and patience. Phd candidate C. Mosto for the assistance in vertical integration. Dr. Jesús Fernández (IFCA, Spain), Dr. Zhixiao Zhang (University of Oxford, UK), PhD candidate Victoria Oruezabal (CIMA, Argentina), Prof. Jatin Kala (Murdoch University, Australia) and Prof. dr hab. inż. Mariusz J. Figurski and Adam Jaczewski (CMM, Poland). Simulations were performed at CIMA’s HPC resources SNCAD and CIMA’s IT support team are acknowledged. Dr A. Sörensson and Elsa Borrell for the assistance and suggestions.
You can fine some examples of the different changes in this pdf (available from the WIKI's page, CDXWRF_version2.pdf)
Hope is being useful,
I am happy to inform you of the new version 2 of the CORDEX-WRF module (by now, only available for WRF v4.5.1):
1.- module available from GIT
2.- Corrections to existing diagnostics
3.- New added diagnostics
4.- Future plans
5.- Acknowledgments
------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- -
1.- Module available from GIT
The module is now available from CIMA's GIT
Home · Wiki · Lluis Fita Borrell / CDXWRF · GitLab
2.- Corrections to existing diagnostics
The former version of the diagnostics have various errors which have been fixed:
* fixing cape, cin, ... from AFWA module (it has some errors, since version v3.7.1 of the code is being used). Now code from WRFV4.3.1 is used (fixed by Zhixiao)
* clwvi: condensated water path fixed, to be as the vertical integration of QVAPOR+QCLOUD+QICE+SNOW
3.- New added diagnostics
New diagnostics have been added into the module:
* tas_or, qvs_or: 2m air temperature and water vapour mixing ratio from LMDZ GCM diagnostics
* qc_pl, qr_pl, qs_pl, qi_pl, qg_pl, qh_pl: p-level interpolation of all the other water species (cloud, rain, snow, ice, graupel and hail)
* iut, ivt: vertical integration of hoirzontal water vapour transport
* tws: wet bulb temperature using "Stull, R. (2011), J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol. 50(11):2267-2269". doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-11-0143.1
* zmlagen: generic boundary layer height based on the bulk Richardson number after (Vogelezang and Holtslag, 1996; Seidel et al., 2004)
Introduction of a new parameter in the cordexdiag section of the namelist zmlagen_diag: diagnostic of generic boundary layer height zmla
> thetae-stability (default)
> bulk Richardson number
* ta50m, hus50m, ua50m, va50m: extrapolation of temperature, humidity and wind at 50 m following Monin-Obukhov similarity theory
* qv_pl_mc, qc_pl_mc, qr_pl_mc, qs_pl_mc, qi_pl_mc, qg_pl_mc, qh_pl_mc: mass-conservative p-level interpolation of all the water species
* 0-isotherm: height above ground at which temperature becomes 0 ºC
New level CDXWRF=3
* simultaneous time of residence: variable that aggregates the time ('time of residence') at the grid point simultaneously passed at 2 bins (range of values) for 2 different 2D variables. In this case: 2-m temperature (tas) and humidty (hurs).
4.- Future plans
I am working directly from a forked branch taken from the main WRF repository in order to send them back all the module. Still some work to do, but preliminary versions of the code already compile on it
I am planning new developments which might include (suggestions are welcomed)
* Specific diagnostics related to the urban environment: 2-m roof temperature and humidity, ...
* In-time wind rose considering wind-gusts
* Maximum moving hourly precipitation rate
* cumulus/non-cumulus/orographic decomposition of precipitation as it is done in Poujol et al, doi: 10.1002/qj.3706 (since at high resolutions without cumulus schemes there is not RAINNC)
* universal thermal climate index (UTCI)
5.- Acknowledgments
This is a community effort. Without multiple contributions this would not be possible:
Thanks to Dr. Marisa Gassman and Natalia Tonti (DCAO, UBA, Argentina) for their suggestions, comments and explanations. RegIPSL developing team for their comments and patience. Phd candidate C. Mosto for the assistance in vertical integration. Dr. Jesús Fernández (IFCA, Spain), Dr. Zhixiao Zhang (University of Oxford, UK), PhD candidate Victoria Oruezabal (CIMA, Argentina), Prof. Jatin Kala (Murdoch University, Australia) and Prof. dr hab. inż. Mariusz J. Figurski and Adam Jaczewski (CMM, Poland). Simulations were performed at CIMA’s HPC resources SNCAD and CIMA’s IT support team are acknowledged. Dr A. Sörensson and Elsa Borrell for the assistance and suggestions.
You can fine some examples of the different changes in this pdf (available from the WIKI's page, CDXWRF_version2.pdf)
Hope is being useful,