Dear all,
when i run the wrf (WRF 4.2.2 and WPS 4.2) using the standard land cover the execution is going well.
When I change land cover with corine 250 as suggested al the link:
geogrid.exe, ungrib.exe, and metgrib finish successfully but real.exe does not provide any results (such as wrfinput).
I attach to my request some files that could be useful to better understand my difficulty:
1) namelist.wps
2) namelist.input
4) geogrid outputs
5) errore file from wrf.exe
Thank you for your help
when i run the wrf (WRF 4.2.2 and WPS 4.2) using the standard land cover the execution is going well.
When I change land cover with corine 250 as suggested al the link:
CORINE dataset for WRF-NoahMP model (v4.3, v4.2)
This dataset is an interpolated and converted version of the CORINE 2012 (Version 2020_20u1) land cover raster database ( to WRF geogrid compatible format. The original CORINE database has a 100 m resolution, but WRF requires a...
geogrid.exe, ungrib.exe, and metgrib finish successfully but real.exe does not provide any results (such as wrfinput).
I attach to my request some files that could be useful to better understand my difficulty:
1) namelist.wps
2) namelist.input
4) geogrid outputs
5) errore file from wrf.exe
Thank you for your help