For the project I'm working on right now I need the full model pressure at every timestep, and we're running very small timesteps (sub 1 second) that the history_interval can't output, so I'm trying to insert a print statement in module_big_step_utilities_em.F within subroutine "phy_prep", but so far I've had no luck.
I tried using "print *, p(i, j, k)", I've tried making calls to module_wrf_error using "write(message, *) p(i, j, k) \\ CALL wrf_message(message)", and using "IPRNT = .true." but so far nothing has worked. I can recompile, everything builds successfully, and my simulations run without any errors, but there are no signs of the pressure values being printed in any rsl.out or rsl.error files.
Just to be sure, I tried adding print statements for simple lines that I can grep for within solve_em.F, module_after_all_rk_steps.F, and module_timing.F (I even found and added to the "Timing for" statement that prints at all timesteps in rsl.out.0000) but none of them appear (again, no problems with the build or the job, though).
I'm very stuck and I hope the community can help me out with this one.
For the project I'm working on right now I need the full model pressure at every timestep, and we're running very small timesteps (sub 1 second) that the history_interval can't output, so I'm trying to insert a print statement in module_big_step_utilities_em.F within subroutine "phy_prep", but so far I've had no luck.
I tried using "print *, p(i, j, k)", I've tried making calls to module_wrf_error using "write(message, *) p(i, j, k) \\ CALL wrf_message(message)", and using "IPRNT = .true." but so far nothing has worked. I can recompile, everything builds successfully, and my simulations run without any errors, but there are no signs of the pressure values being printed in any rsl.out or rsl.error files.
Just to be sure, I tried adding print statements for simple lines that I can grep for within solve_em.F, module_after_all_rk_steps.F, and module_timing.F (I even found and added to the "Timing for" statement that prints at all timesteps in rsl.out.0000) but none of them appear (again, no problems with the build or the job, though).
I'm very stuck and I hope the community can help me out with this one.