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no_found_levels and no metoa_em files

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
When I run OBSGRID I get a message at the end of the log that says "no_find_levels" and there are no output metoa_em files. I've attached the log here. There aren't any observations in the `plotobs_out`, so I assume no observations are kept or read in, more likely the latter. I am using the ADP surface and upper air dataset already in little_r format and running with 2020 data from June. Our domain is over the DC area, where it looks like there are plenty of stations and data should be present. I also have tried domains of different sizes to try to ensure there are observations in the region, as well as searching for the right ADP files to ensure there is data in the space and time frame I am running (though that didn't work well because the times didn't match what I was asking for). I also tried relaxing the QC control in the namelist to make sure I wasn't just kicking out all the observations. That all being said, I am running with HRRR data for a relatively short time (~1hr), which might be an issue if I am not getting data for the right time frame. After downloading the ADP files I do concatenate them and then run the script to properly chunk the time intervals - I have tried both 3hr and 1hr chunks here, but I'm unsure if that part is correct. Other than that I'm not sure what would be going wrong other than a compilation error or mismatch somewhere. Any ideas about what is going wrong would be greatly appreciated!


  • obsgrid_out.txt
    5.8 KB · Views: 81
Can you let me know which version of OBSGRID you are running, and can you also attach the namelist.oa file you're using? Thanks!