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Not creating TAVGSFC


Hello all,
I am facing one problem. After editing namelist.wps, as geog_data_res = 'modis_30s_lake+default'.
./util/avg_tsfc.exe is not creating the TAVGSFC file.
What could be the reasons here? Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you.

Hi Chetan,
If you take a look in the geogrid/GEOGRIB.TBL file, you can see that the path for 'default' and for 'modis_30s_lake' points to the same dataset (modis_landuse_20class_30s_with_lakes). Did you happen to try just leaving the geog_data_res setting to 'default' and running avg_tsfc.exe? If so, was that successful? If it was, then I'm not sure why setting it the other way would cause an issue, but it should be fine to leave as just 'default.' Let me know if this is not the case. Thanks!
@kwerner Thank you very much for your response. Yes, I did it the way you suggested, but it still didn't create any TAVGSFC file. However, it shows the ran was successful.
Before running avg_tsfc.exe, are you first running geogrid.exe and then ungrib.exe? Both of those must first be run prior to running avg_tsfc.exe. If you didn't do that, give that a try to see if you then get the TAVGSFC file. After that, you can read how to add the file name to your namelist.wps prior to running metgrid.exe.
Hi @kwerner, thank you for your response. Now, I solved the problem. The issue was an incomplete day in my namelist.wps time range. The user guide said, " If a complete day's worth of data is not available, no output file will be written, and the program will halt as soon as this can be determined".
Oh, interesting! I must have overlooked that wording, as well. Thank you for the reminder and I'm glad you were able to get past this!