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Ocean Currents (UOCE/VOCE) in MYNN PBL


New member
I am currently using the version 4.1.2 and trying to use time-varing ocean currents imported from the coupled ocean model.

Also, the time-varying sea ice information has been imported from the coupled sea-ice model.

After examining the code, the surface currents are removed from the lowest level atmospheric winds at the early stage of surface_driver, and the surface currents are used in MYNN PBL for tendency calculations.

I am trying to find the reference that indicates the role of ocean currents in MYNN tendency calculations since Nakanishi and Nino (04, 06, 09) (as well as Olson 19) do not mention ocean currents

Perhaps I miss the info in the mentioned references. Could you give me suggestions about the references (or role) of ocean currents in MYNN PBL?
