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Output of average fluxes at different time resolutions

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I am using WRF-ARW 4.1.2.

When I use
do_avgflx_em = 1, 1
is it possible to have output at different time resolutions? For example, I am writing the regular history files hourly, but have defined an additional output stream writing output every 10 minutes.

Now I notice log messages like

solve_em: initializing avgflx at time 2017-07-06_03:06:00 on domain   2

at every output time of my additional output stream.

Additionally to that, each hour I see messages like

d02 2017-07-06_03:00:00 Re-initializing accumulation arrays

Now I'm a bit worried that the avgflx output is meaningful ... I would expect / hope that the avgflx arrays are re-initialized every 10 minutes for my additional output stream. But what is then contained in the avgflx arrays in the regular, hourly, wrfout files?
With the option do_avgflx_em = 1, the fluxes are averaged over the history output intervals. In your case, all these averages are hourly average data. They are not averages over 10-minute intervals.