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postdoc position for Regional Modeling of Land-Atmosphere Interactions over the North America

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Ming Chen

Staff member
Terrestrial water, ecosystem, and climates are intimately coupled, coevolving earth system. We aim to improve the understanding of the coupled system dynamics by developing and implementing newly developed models of soil and plant hydraulics in regional climate models through a NASA funded project. We are seeking an energetic post-doctoral research associate with a most recent PhD degree in atmospheric sciences, hydrometeorology, or hydrology to work on this project.

This job involves 1) revising the current versions of Noah-MP embedded in NASA Land Information System (LIS) and NU-WRF with our newly developed plant hydraulics and root dynamics, 2) conducting virtual experiments over the North America, and 3) analyzing the resulting regional water cycle.

Experience in using Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) or NASA Unified WRF (NU-WRF) is preferable. Interested personnel can upload your application through the link:

CV including education history, programming skills, and publications, a statement of research interests, and the name and email address of two references are requested. The approximate closing date for applications is October 1, 2020 .