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postdoctoral scientist at PNNL

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Ming Chen

Staff member
The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is recruiting a postdoctoral scientist to conduct innovative research in regional climate modeling associated with several projects focusing on the roles of wildfire aerosols, light-absorbing impurities in snow, human-induced land surface change and land-atmosphere interaction. The successful candidate will be expected to design/execute modeling experiments, to interact directly with a rich network of experts, to effectively communicate research results at conferences and workshops and to publish scientific results in peer-reviewed journals.

Preferred Qualifications


Demonstrated familiarity with regional climate models (e.g. WRF) and analysis of aerosol-climate simulations and/or land-atmosphere interactions.
Excellent written and oral communication skills in English
Fluency in Fortran computer language
Interest in contributing to an active intellectual environment
Demonstrated record of publications in peer reviewed journal


Familiarity with high performance computing, atmospheric modeling, and statistical analysis
Experience with computer languages usually used for modeling and analysis (Python, R, NCL, Matlab, or IDL, etc.)
Familiarity with Linux/Unix computational environments
Ability to work collaboratively in interdisciplinary teams as well as ability to independently pursue original ideas and new directions

Please apply at: