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Problem in the spatial distribution of lightning


New member
Dear all,

I am new in WRF-Chem and are experimenting some problems when using lightning parameterizations with lightning_option = 1 or 2.

When I set lightning_option = 1 or 2, I obtain that the spatial distribution of CG_COUNTS and IC_COUNTS has latitudinal or longitudinal cuts, as in the attached example.

In this case, I used dx=dy=10 km. However, I also find this problem when using 1 km horizontal resolution.

Is this a problem of the set-up?

Thank you.

Kind regards,


  • namelist.input.txt
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  • CG_FLASHCOUNT_in_wrfout_d01_2019-10-22_23 00 00.png
    CG_FLASHCOUNT_in_wrfout_d01_2019-10-22_23 00 00.png
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