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Problem with Lake_depth documentation

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

Dear WRF-experts,

According to WRF-chapter 3,
sf_lake_physics(max_dom) = 1, ! lake model on/off

lakedepth_default(max_dom) = 50, ! default lake depth (If there is no lake_depth information in the input data, then lake depth
is assumed to be 50m)

lake_min_elev(max_dom) = 5, ! minimum elevation of lakes. May be used to determine whether a water point is a lake in the absence of
lake category. If the landuse type includes 'lake' (i.e. Modis_lake and USGS_LAKE), this variable is of no effects.

use_lakedepth (max_dom) = 1, ! option to use lake depth data. Lake depth data is available from 3.6 geogrid program. If one didn't process
the lake depth data, but this switch is set to 1, the program will stop and tell one to go back to geogrid

= 0, do not use lake depth data.

How can I plot the lakedepth from geogrid?

If I use the modis+lake or usgs+lake, do they have information on the lake depth? Is this what's being meant by the documentation?

Also, If I set the use_lakedepth = 1, will WRF ignore the default value in lakedepth_default?

I'll appreciate any help on this.
I believe that's correct. I've not actually run a lake model case, but as a test, you could try those settings for geogrid and then see if you get lake depth data.