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problem with moving nest(vortex_following)

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

Thank you for your reply. And I have another question that in the wrfout file, there are no turbulent exchange coefficient or boundary layer tuburlent flux. Could you please tell me how to output them in the wrfout file? Thank you.
And I use some different PBL schemes for sensitivity experiment with WRF V4.0 , including YSU, MYJ, QNSE, MYNN2.5, MYNN3, ACM2, BouLac, BP/UW, TEMF, ShinHong, GBM, MRF, and so on. And reference with the WRF USER GUIDE, maybe not all PBL scheme output exch_m and exch-h, such as ACM2, TEMF, MRF. Could you please tell me how to output turbulent exchange coefficient and boundary layer flux for different PBL schemes in the wrfout file.
Besides, I find there is no exch_h or exch_m or turbulent flux variables in Registry.EM file.
Could you please give me some clue or help for that? What should I modify and how to do that? Thanks.
The same/similar question has been posted in various places. I have answered these questions. Please don't post the same question everywhere, which is a waste of our time. Due to limited human power, we are extremely busy. Thanks for your understanding.