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Problems building executables when compile WRF4.2.1 (errors)

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hi Folks!

I'm trying compile the wrf 4.2.1 on Linux CentOS 7.8 (core).
The wrf code was cloned on github
I defined the paths of libraries, for setup environmental variables.
I did the system environmental tests, and library compatibility tests, all pass (
The GCC version is 8.3, netcdf is 4.7.1, hdf5 is 1.10.5, mpich is 3.3.1, pnetcdf is 1.12.0, jasper is 1.900.1, zlib is 1.2.11, libpng is

In attach, I send the configure.wrf file and logfile of compilation.

Any suggestions please?



  • logcompile.log
    1,001.3 KB · Views: 106
  • configure.wrf
    20.8 KB · Views: 85
Your configure.wrf indicates that you are trying to compile WRF using fortran in dmpar mode. The libs and environmental settings look correct. The only issue I found in your log is : "time: Command not found". "time" is a simple linux command that should be available in your machine. Would you please fix this issue and retry the compiling?
Remember to type ./celan -a before you recompile the code, and save the complete log file for me to take a look.