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Problems on ARW-Post

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hi All!!
I was trying to run the ARW-Post for my thesis works.

This is what happened when I ran ./ARWpost.exe

ARWpost v3.1
At line 92 of file gridinfo_module.f (unit = 10, file = 'namelist.ARWpost')
Fortran runtime error: Cannot match namelist object name '2019-02-22_18:00:00'

Please help me in solving this.
This is very important for me.

I have attached my namelist.ARWpost file.


  • namelist.ARWpost.docx
    4.6 KB · Views: 90
I'd like to apologize for the long delay in response. I believe this post must have been overlooked, or the notifications were not turned on correctly for us to receive notice of a post here.

I think the problem here is that you have this set in your namelist:
 start_date = '2019-02-22_18:00:00', '2019-02-22_18:00:00',
 end_date   = '2019-02-28_00:00:00', '2019-02-28_00:00:00',

but it only expects information for a single column. Try removing the second column, so that it is as follows:
 start_date = '2019-02-22_18:00:00', 
 end_date   = '2019-02-28_00:00:00',

And hopefully that will get you past that error.

Hello Kelly!

Thank you for the reply.
But it has not worked, unfortunately.
But whenever I put '2019-02-23_00:00:00' instead of '2019-02-22_18:00:00', it works.

Could you please look into it?

Thank you again.

In your ARWpost running directory, can you issue:
ls -ls >& ls.txt

and attach that ls.txt file?
