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Problems with the initialization of the temperature of the 4 soil layers when using MPAS/NOAHMP.


New member
"When I use the NOAHMP surface parameterization, I'm having issues with the initialization of the temperature for the 4 soil layers. Has anyone else experienced the same problem?"
"Hi Mduda,
When I use the NOAHMP parameterization, in the first model iteration (itimestep = 1), the 'tslb' temperature at the 4 levels is correct. However, in itimestep = 2, the values appear as 273.16 at all levels."
Does the 'tslb' field look correct over the first few timesteps if you use Noah instead of Noah-MP (i.e., setting config_lsm_scheme = 'sf_noah' rather than config_lsm_scheme = 'sf_noahmp'), but making no other changes to the code or input files?
When I use the option config_lsm_scheme = 'sf_noah', it works. But the problem occurs when I use config_lsm_scheme = 'sf_noahmp'.

It's the only option I change in the runs.
Thanks very much for the plots. It looks like I'm able to reproduce the issue myself, and we'll take a closer look on our side to see what the underlying issue might be.