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Qestion about module_sf_sfclayrev.F and module_sf_sfclay.F


New member
Dear WRF&MPAS experts,

I want to close the sensible heat flux in some areas, and i find it is defined as HFX in both module_sf_sfclayrev.F and module_sf_sfclay.F.
What's the differnce between these two programme and which one should I modifiy?

I appreciate much for your help!
module_sf_sfclayrev.F is a newer version of module_sf_sfclay.F.

If you run with the Revised MM5 Monin-Obukhov scheme (sf_sfclay_physics = 1), then the code module_sf_sfclayrev.F is used.
module_sf_sfclayrev.F is a newer version of module_sf_sfclay.F.

If you run with the Revised MM5 Monin-Obukhov scheme (sf_sfclay_physics = 1), then the code module_sf_sfclayrev.F is used.

I modified the code in module_sf_sfclayrev.F and it works.

Thank you for your guidance!