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Query on the input file for CBMZ-MOSAIC chemistry option for running anthro_emis to generate anthropogenic emission input files (wrfchemi* files)


Hello everyone,
I want to perform WRF-Chem simulations using the CBMZ-MOSAIC chemistry option to study aerosol-cloud interaction. I want to use anthropogenic emissions from the EDGARv5_MOZART_dataset (from the EDGAR v5.0 emissions inventory speciated for the MOZART chemical mechanism) or EDGAR-HTAP (a global monthly emission inventory for the year 2010). The sample input files are provided only for the MOZCART and MOZART-MOSAIC chemistry options. But I want to use the CBMZ-MOSAIC chemistry option (e.g., chem_opt=31 and 32). I searched online a lot, but I couldn't find any input file for anthro_emis. I found only an input file provided with mozbc, but to generate initial and chemical lateral boundary conditions in wrfinput files.
I learned from the previous thread of this forum (On the use of different CBMZ, initial conditions and emissions) that the anthro_emis utility can be used for CBMZ-MOSAIC also. So, can anyone please provide the input file or guide me on how to set 'emis_map' variable in the input file? For your convenience, I am giving the 'src_names' in input file for EDGARv5_MOZART_dataset:
src_names = 'CO(28)','NOx(30)','SO2(64)','NH3(17)','BC(12)','OC(12)','PM2.5(1)','PM10(1)','BENZENE(78)','BIGALK(72)','BIGENE(56)','C2H2(26)','C2H4(28)',
Any help on this will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration.
With regards,
Hi Ankan!
I think the easy way to get information about needed species for anthropogenic emissions is to look inside the registry.chem file. For tthe mechanism you are looking for ( ecbmz_mosaic) you have:

package ecbmz_mosaic emiss_opt==4 - emis_ant:e_iso,e_so2,e_no,e_co,e_eth,e_hc3,e_hc5,e_hc8,e_xyl,e_ol2,e_olt,e_oli,e_tol,e_csl,e_hcho,e_ald,e_ket,e_ora2,e_nh3,e_no2,e_ch3oh,e_c2h5oh,e_pm25i,e_pm25j,e_eci,e_ecj,e_orgi,e_orgj,e_so4i,e_so4j,e_no3i,e_no3j,e_so4c,e_no3c,e_orgc,e_ecc

For me, I use the given MOZART-MOSAIC.inp file and I comment the missing species or try to understand what they mean before to map them,

I don't know if it is a good way to prepare wrfinput files using edgar data, but I am sure it is more logic.


  • MOZART-MOSAIC.inp.txt
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Hello @bhanubuchi,
I haven't considered CBMZ-MOSAIC because of some issues I faced. So, sorry, I can't help you. I suggest that you ask this question as a separate one in this forum. Maybe someone will help you with this.
Best wishes,