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Question about geographical data

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

I'm trying to run the summer 2010 test case and NAM. Let me begin with the first one that is producing the error (when running geogrid):
ERROR: Could not open /home/centos/WRF-4.2.2/WPS_GEOG/soiltype_top_2m/index
I'm using the same WPS geographical data as for the JAN00 case. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong link of the website (as usual) but the data at seems to be the same as it used to be (and the soiltype_top seems to be for different units). My question is which WPS Geographical dataset is to be used for this case and, more importantly, for NAM.
Please take a look at your directory: /home/centos/WRF-4.2.2/WPS_GEOG/soiltype_top_2m/. You should find index file there. The error message indicates that "index" doesn't exist there. If this is the case, pleas download the file from
Hi Ming,
The subdirectories in the WPS_GEOG subdirectory are:
albedo_modis          maxsnowalb_modis                      orogwd_20m     soiltype_bot_30s    varsso_10m
greenfrac_fpar_modis  modis_landuse_20class_30s_with_lakes  orogwd_2deg    soiltype_top_30s    varsso_2m
lai_modis_10m         orogwd_10m                            orogwd_30m     topo_gmted2010_30s  varsso_5m
lai_modis_30s         orogwd_1deg                           soiltemp_1deg  varsso
Maybe I was a bit confused as my interpretation was that the January-2000 case had been phased out (or at least the website describing it is no longer online) and being substituted by the 2010 examples found at However, the namelist.wps of the latter seems to seek geographical data found in v3. The day after posting the question, I was able to produce the domain by simply switching geog_data_res to "default." The other cases worked fine so it seems that it was simply a minor incompatibility between versions. Thanks.
The webpages you referred to are really old, --- I am sorry for the trouble caused by this. The default options have been changed in newer version of WRF/WPS (and also the corresponding data that can be used), which explain why the older files cannot be found.
It is great that you can figure out the issue. Thanks for the information and we will update those old websites.