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question about isftcflx option

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

Hello professor, I have a question about isftcflx option. There are some description about isftcflx option in WRF User Guide as follows:

- isftcflx: Modify surface bulk drag (Donelan) and enthalpy coefficients to be more in line with recent research results of those for tropical storms and hurricanes. This option also includes dissipative heating term in heat flux. It is only available for sf_sfclay_physics = 1. There are two options for computing enthalpy coefficients:
isftcflx = 1: constant Z0q (since V3.2) for heat and moisture; isftcflx = 2 Garratt formulation, slightly different forms for heat and moisture.

The description above is from WRF USER GUIDE. But in WRF code, I can find that module_sf_mynn.F also have isftcflx option, which means MYNN sfclay can use this option, It is also available for sf_sfclay_physics = 5. Is that right?
What is difference between isftcflx option in sf_sfclay_physics = 1 and sf_sfclay_physics = 5.
In sf_sfclay_physics = 5, module_sf_sfclayrev.F have COARE 3.5. And in sf_sfclay_physics = 1, module_sf_sfclayrev.F also have COARE 3.5. What is difference between COARE 3.5 in these two sfclay scheme? Thank you.
I believe the option-specific scheme should be the same, although it may be incorporated in different sfclay schemes.
Thank you for your reply.
(1) is isftcflx option available for sf_sfclay_physics = 5? (even though in WRF USER GUIDE, "It is only available for sf_sfclay_physics = 1")
(2) did you mean that COARE 3.5 in these two sfclay scheme is same? and it may be incorporated in sf_sfclay_physics = 5?
Please see my answers below
(1) is isftcflx option available for sf_sfclay_physics = 5? (even though in WRF USER GUIDE, "It is only available for sf_sfclay_physics = 1")

The "isftcflx" option is available in MYNN sfclay scheme (sf_sfclay_physics =5). I apologize for the misleading information in WRF User Guide. We will update that document to correct the statement.

(2) did you mean that COARE 3.5 in these two sfclay scheme is same? and it may be incorporated in sf_sfclay_physics = 5?

The COARE 3.0 option in MYNN is what used in the revised MM5 Monin-Obukhov scheme. COARE 3.5 is not available in MM5 Monin-Obukhov scheme
When you run MYNN with isftcflx=0, COARE_OPT is hardwired to be 3.0. This is why the COARE scheme is the same in the two sfclay schemes.