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Question about the full grid patched from wrfinput and wrfbdy file


New member

Recently I wanted to look into the process of patching the wrfbdy_d01 file and wrfinput_d01 file during the integrating process. I tried to look at the v-wind field by outputting the lowest level value at the rk_step_prep subroutine. It looked like this way:

j index
-4-3-2-1012i index

It seemed that in the halo region (i/j index -4 to 0) the wrfbdy file information was not read in correctly? Why are there so many 0 values while to my understand these should be some values read in from the wrfbdy_d01 file?
Could someone please help? Thx :)
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wrfbdy only covers the outermost 5 layers of the model domain. There is no need to specify halo for wrfbdy since there is no communication conducted along the lateral boundary zone.