Taking "NCAR ARW WRF 15km Forecast (WRF Real-Time Forecasting)" as an example.
It says "The WRF 15 km realtime forecast is a 72 h forecast initialized from the 00 and 12 UTC 0.5 degree NCEP GFS and uses WRF V3.5 code."
i wonder the model Initialized at 2023-09-25 00Z to make the 72h forecast, uses GFS0925.00 only, or uses GFS0925.00, GFS0925.06 (assuming the time interval of the GFS it uses is 6 hr)... to GFS0925.72
It says "The WRF 15 km realtime forecast is a 72 h forecast initialized from the 00 and 12 UTC 0.5 degree NCEP GFS and uses WRF V3.5 code."
i wonder the model Initialized at 2023-09-25 00Z to make the 72h forecast, uses GFS0925.00 only, or uses GFS0925.00, GFS0925.06 (assuming the time interval of the GFS it uses is 6 hr)... to GFS0925.72