Dear Community,
I have a domain of 451x451 grid points and want to make the output process parallel using quilting.
To run my experiment on a supper computer, I used 32 nodes with 1552 cores, of which 64 were for quilting:
However, after the first output step, it crashed.
quilting section
Could you please guide me on the correct number of nio_tasks and nio_groups
or should I change the number of cores?
P/S The namelist is attached.
I have a domain of 451x451 grid points and want to make the output process parallel using quilting.
To run my experiment on a supper computer, I used 32 nodes with 1552 cores, of which 64 were for quilting:
srun -N 33 -n 1552 --hint=nomultithread --distribution=block:block --cpus-per-task=4 $prg2
However, after the first output step, it crashed.
quilting section
As you can see, I have tried different combinations of nio_tasks and groups. All attempts were unsuccessful.&namelist_quilt
nio_tasks_per_group = 4, !16, !0, !4
nio_groups = 8, !1, !1, !8
Could you please guide me on the correct number of nio_tasks and nio_groups
or should I change the number of cores?
P/S The namelist is attached.