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RAINC is not generated after 10 days forecasting


New member
Dear all,
I'm running WRF to forecast some hourly parameters for 15 days ahead. The output formart is GRIB1. I successfully get all the output variables that I want (e.g. U, V, W, T, P, Q2, T2, PSFC, U10, V10, QVAPOR, HGT, RAINNC, SST), except for the convective precipitation (RAINC), which seems to stop to be produced in the 10th day (timestep 255). By any chance, is there a variable in the namelist that should be set so that I don't face this error?

When I use CDO to read my file, after the time step 255, I get this error, which does not exist in the previously timesteps. id=254.2 refers to the RAINC
cgribexGetTsteptype: Time range indicator 255 unsupported, set to 0!
Warning (cgribexScanTimestep1): Record 4 (id=254.2 lev1=0 lev2=0) timestep 1: Inconsistent verification time!

Thanks in advance.
By reading the wrfout files with panoply, I could generate plots till timestep 255, and stop working from 256 till 360. See that the variable name changes its name for each timestep. Is it possible that what is causing the problem can be related the values set on Grib1_Center and Grib1_Subcenter? I know there is a section in namelist.input that you can define these variables (default values), what about for GRIB1?


float Cumulative_Convective_precipitation_surface_253_Hour_Accumulation(time2=1, y=699, x=699);
long_name = "Cumulative Convective precipitation (253_Hour Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface";
units = "kg/m^2";
description = "Lower Left Longitude of massless point";
missing_value = NaNf; // float
grid_mapping = "Mercator_Projection";
coordinates = "reftime1 time2 y x ";
Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Accumulation";
Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_255-255-2-254_L1_I253_Hour_S4";
Grib1_Center = 255; // int
Grib1_Subcenter = 255; // int
Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int
Grib1_Parameter = 254; // int
Grib1_Parameter_Name = "TACPCP";
Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int
Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
Grib1_Interval_Type = 4; // int
Grib1_Interval_Name = "Accumulation, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)";

float Cumulative_Convective_precipitation_surface_254_Hour_Accumulation(time1=1, y=699, x=699);
long_name = "Cumulative Convective precipitation (254_Hour Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface";
units = "kg/m^2";
description = "Lower Left Longitude of massless point";
missing_value = NaNf; // float
grid_mapping = "Mercator_Projection";
coordinates = "reftime1 time1 y x ";
Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Accumulation";
Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_255-255-2-254_L1_I254_Hour_S4";
Grib1_Center = 255; // int
Grib1_Subcenter = 255; // int
Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int
Grib1_Parameter = 254; // int
Grib1_Parameter_Name = "TACPCP";
Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int
Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
Grib1_Interval_Type = 4; // int
Grib1_Interval_Name = "Accumulation, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)";

float Cumulative_Convective_precipitation_surface_255_Hour_Accumulation(time2=1, y=699, x=699);
long_name = "Cumulative Convective precipitation (255_Hour Accumulation) @ Ground or water surface";
units = "kg/m^2";
description = "Lower Left Longitude of massless point";
missing_value = NaNf; // float
grid_mapping = "Mercator_Projection";
coordinates = "reftime1 time2 y x ";
Grib_Statistical_Interval_Type = "Accumulation";
Grib_Variable_Id = "VAR_255-255-2-254_L1_I255_Hour_S4";
Grib1_Center = 255; // int
Grib1_Subcenter = 255; // int
Grib1_TableVersion = 2; // int
Grib1_Parameter = 254; // int
Grib1_Parameter_Name = "TACPCP";
Grib1_Level_Type = 1; // int
Grib1_Level_Desc = "Ground or water surface";
Grib1_Interval_Type = 4; // int
Grib1_Interval_Name = "Accumulation, interval = (RT + P1) to (RT + P2)";
Apologies for the long delay in response. Are you still experiencing this issue? Unfortunately we don't have a lot of experience with GRIB1 output. Did you try to output in netCDF format to see if you run into the same issue?