I installed WRFV4.3 successfully using the following modules and settings:
module purge
module load intel/2020.2
module load impi/2020.2
module load pnetcdf/1.11.2
module load netcdf/4.6.1
module load hdf5/1.10.6
Yet I ran into a problem when running real.exe. The error says "REAL: error opening wrfinput for writing". I did some web searching and learned that the most common reason for this error is that the model was not built with large file support. This is not my case. I can ran WRFV4.2 with the same namelist.input and met*.nc files. Please see attached for the namelist.input, met*.nc file, and rsl files. Hope I can get help here on how to solve this problem.
module purge
module load intel/2020.2
module load impi/2020.2
module load pnetcdf/1.11.2
module load netcdf/4.6.1
module load hdf5/1.10.6
Yet I ran into a problem when running real.exe. The error says "REAL: error opening wrfinput for writing". I did some web searching and learned that the most common reason for this error is that the model was not built with large file support. This is not my case. I can ran WRFV4.2 with the same namelist.input and met*.nc files. Please see attached for the namelist.input, met*.nc file, and rsl files. Hope I can get help here on how to solve this problem.