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Real.exe error while executing


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error:Not enough soil temperature data for SSIB LSM scheme.
When I use GFS data as forcing data, how should I do to use the SSIB land surface parameterization scheme
This error message indicates that there is not enough soil moisture and temperature data in your forcing data.
To run WRF with SSIBLB, you will need at lease 2 levels of soil moisture and soil temperature data in your met_em files.

What are the large-scale forcing data you used?
The large-scale forcing data is GFS1.0 Degree form NOAA.
I kown the reason of the error,but I want to run WRF with SSIBLB
How should I do to use the SSIB land surface parameterization scheme
This error message indicates that there is not enough soil moisture and temperature data in your forcing data.
To run WRF with SSIBLB, you will need at lease 2 levels of soil moisture and soil temperature data in your met_em files.

What are the large-scale forcing data you used?
The large-scale forcing data is GFS1.0 Degree form NOAA.
I kown the reason of the error,but I want to run WRF with SSIBLB
How should I do to use the SSIB land surface parameterization scheme
I am suspicious that there is no soil data in your GFS1.0 forcing data. Can you type the command:
ncdump -h met_em.d01.yyyy- mm-dd_hh > log (any met_em file will be fine), then look at your log file, and find the variables
These two variables must be at least 2 or larger.

Please let me know their values.
I am suspicious that there is no soil data in your GFS1.0 forcing data. Can you type the command:
ncdump -h met_em.d01.yyyy- mm-dd_hh > log (any met_em file will be fine), then look at your log file, and find the variables
These two variables must be at least 2 or larger.

Please let me know their values.
Sorry,I do not found these two variables in the met* file,but I got SOILTEMP whose mean is 'Annual mean deep soil temperature'.
I think there is one levels of soil moisture and soil temperature data in my met_em files,however, if there were sufficient number of layers of soil moisture and soil temperature the met_em files,I could only change the namelist .input to invoke different land surface process parameterization schemes .
I mean if I use era5 as the large-scale forcing data .
I am suspicious that there is no soil data in your GFS1.0 forcing data. Can you type the command:
ncdump -h met_em.d01.yyyy- mm-dd_hh > log (any met_em file will be fine), then look at your log file, and find the variables
These two variables must be at least 2 or larger.

Please let me know their values.
I found num_sm_layers=0 in the met_em files.There is not enough soil temperature input, is it just because my focing data is missing the corresponding variables?If you choose to use the forcing data that includes the soil temperature, can the soil temperature be automatically read in with the ./ungrid.exe and ./metgrid.exe commands?
That makes sense. In your met_em files, there is no soil information and REAL cannot proceed without soil data.

You are right that if soil information are included in the forcing data, and you have the correct Vtable for this data, then soil information will be processed by ungrib and read by metgrid.