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real.exe error


New member
Hi admin, I'm running a typhoon using NCAR data and I'm having the following problem when I'm doing real.exe, can you help me see what the problem is? The specific rsl.error file is placed in the

taskid: 0 hostname: liuxb
module_io_quilt_old.F 2931 T
Ntasks in X 1 , ntasks in Y 1
Domain # 1: dx = 30000.000 m
Domain # 2: dx = 10000.000 m
git commit 3dd1546ba425b5e77d682dd92253738416b3cb0a
Parent domain
ids,ide,jds,jde 1 150 1 150
ims,ime,jms,jme -4 155 -4 155
ips,ipe,jps,jpe 1 150 1 150
DYNAMICS OPTION: Eulerian Mass Coordinate
alloc_space_field: domain 1 , 582468120 bytes allocated
d01 2013-10-05_00:00:00 Yes, this special data is acceptable to use: OUTPUT FROM METGRID V4.5
d01 2013-10-05_00:00:00 Input data is acceptable to use:
metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2013-10-05_00:00:00
metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2013-10-05_00:00:00
d01 2013-10-05_00:00:00 Timing for input 0 s.
d01 2013-10-05_00:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1
d01 2013-10-05_00:00:00 Turning off use of MAX WIND level data in vertical interpolation
d01 2013-10-05_00:00:00 Turning off use of TROPOPAUSE level data in vertical interpolation
Max map factor in domain 1 = 1.21. Scale the dt in the model accordingly.
ERROR in psfc: flag_psfc = 1, flag_soilhgt = 1, flag_slp = 0, sfcp_to_sfcp = F
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
not enough info for a p sfc computation
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0


  • namelist.input
    4.3 KB · Views: 2
    2.1 KB · Views: 1
Same error when used NCEP_FNL data:

Domain 1: Current date being processed: 2001-01-01_00:00:00.0000, which is loop # 1 out of 125
configflags%julyr, %julday, %gmt: 2001 1 0.0000000E+00
d01 2001-01-01_00:00:00 Yes, this special data is acceptable to use: OUTPUT FROM METGRID V4.5
d01 2001-01-01_00:00:00 Input data is acceptable to use:
metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2001-01-01_00:00:00
metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2001-01-01_00:00:00
d01 2001-01-01_00:00:00 Timing for input 1 s.
d01 2001-01-01_00:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1
d01 2001-01-01_00:00:00 Turning off use of MAX WIND level data in vertical interpolation
d01 2001-01-01_00:00:00 Turning off use of TROPOPAUSE level data in vertical interpolation
Max map factor in domain 1 = 1.03. Scale the dt in the model accordingly.
ERROR in psfc: flag_psfc = 1, flag_soilhgt = 1, flag_slp = 0, sfcp_to_sfcp = F
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
not enough info for a p sfc computation
Same error when used NCEP_FNL data:
Do you mean NCEP GFS FNL data? Can you share one of your met_em* files? It will likely be too large to attach - if so, see the home page of this forum for instructions on sharing large files. Will you please also share your namelist.input file? Thanks!