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real.exe git error


I'm working on running real.exe for the first time and am getting the error "No git found or not a git repository, git commit version not available. No git found or not a git repository, git commit version not available." Has anyone had this before? How to fix it?


  • rslError.png
    150.9 KB · Views: 15
I think it has something to do with the geography files if I remember correctly. Not 100% though.
This indicates that you didn't obtain the codes from GitHub. You probably download form WRF user website or somewhere else.
However, this shouldn't affect the REAL program. The png file shown in your post doesn't provide any helpful information.
Can you upload your namelist.wps and namelist.input for me to take a look?
I've uploaded the rsl.error file in 3 parts. It doesn't seem to have a clear error to me.

run_days = 1,
run_hours = 0,
run_minutes = 00,
run_seconds = 0,
start_year = 2018, 2018, 0001,
start_month = 03, 03, 01,
start_day = 25, 25, 01,
start_hour = 00, 00, 00,
start_minute = 00, 00, 00,
start_second = 00, 00, 00,
end_year = 2018, 2018, 0001,
end_month = 03, 03, 01,
end_day = 26, 261, 01,
end_hour = 00, 00, 00,
end_minute = 00, 00, 00,
end_second = 00, 00, 00,
interval_seconds = 21600,
history_interval = 30, 10, 10,
frames_per_outfile = 1000, 1000, 1000,
restart = .false.,
restart_interval = 120,
io_form_history = 2
io_form_restart = 2
io_form_input = 2
io_form_boundary = 2

time_step = 75,
time_step_fract_num = 0,
time_step_fract_den = 1,
max_dom = 2,
s_we = 1, 1, 1,
e_we = 99, 85, 43,
s_sn = 1, 1, 1,
e_sn = 78, 64, 43,
s_vert = 1, 1, 1,
e_vert = 41, 41, 41,
dx = 15000,
dy = 15000,
num_metgrid_levels = 32,
ztop = 20000, 20000, 20000,
grid_id = 1, 2, 3,
parent_id = 1, 1, 2,
i_parent_start = 0, 36, 15,
j_parent_start = 0, 29, 15,
parent_grid_ratio = 1, 3, 3,
parent_time_step_ratio = 1, 3, 3,
feedback = 1,
smooth_option = 0

mp_physics = 1, 1, 1,
ra_lw_physics = 0, 0, 0,
ra_sw_physics = 0, 0, 0,
radt = 30, 30, 30,
sf_sfclay_physics = 0, 0, 0,
sf_surface_physics = 0, 0, 0,
bl_pbl_physics = 0, 0, 0,
bldt = 0, 0, 0,
cu_physics = 0, 0, 0,
cudt = 5, 5, 5,


hybrid_opt = 0,
rk_ord = 3,
diff_opt = 2, 2, 2,
km_opt = 2, 2, 2,
damp_opt = 2,
zdamp = 5000., 5000., 5000.,
dampcoef = 0.003, 0.003, 0.003
khdif = 500, 500, 500,
kvdif = 500, 500, 500,
smdiv = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,
emdiv = 0.01, 0.01, 0.01,
epssm = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1
time_step_sound = 6, 6, 6,
h_mom_adv_order = 5, 5, 5,
v_mom_adv_order = 3, 3, 3,
h_sca_adv_order = 5, 5, 5,
v_sca_adv_order = 3, 3, 3,
moist_adv_opt = 1, 1, 1,
scalar_adv_opt = 1, 1, 1,
chem_adv_opt = 1, 1, 1,
tke_adv_opt = 1, 1, 1,
non_hydrostatic = .true., .true., .true.,
mix_full_fields = .true., .true., .true.,

periodic_x = .false.,
symmetric_xs = .false.,
symmetric_xe = .false.,
open_xs = .true.,
open_xe = .true.,
periodic_y = .false.,
symmetric_ys = .false.,
symmetric_ye = .false.,
open_ys = .true.,
open_ye = .true.,


nio_tasks_per_group = 0,
nio_groups = 1,

ideal_case = 2

wrf_core = 'ARW',
max_dom = 2,
start_date = '2018-03-25_00:00:00','2018-03-25_00:00:00',
end_date = '2018-03-26_00:00:00','2018-03-26_00:00:00',
interval_seconds = 21600,
io_form_geogrid = 2,

parent_id = 1, 1,
parent_grid_ratio = 1, 3,
i_parent_start = 1, 36,
j_parent_start = 1, 29,
e_we = 99, 85,
e_sn = 78, 64,
geog_data_res = 'default','default',
dx = 15000,
dy = 15000,
map_proj = 'lambert',
ref_lat = 24.228,
ref_lon = -89.342,
truelat1 = 24.228,
truelat2 = 24.228,
stand_lon = -89.342,
geog_data_path = '/gpfs/home/ajs20ef/WPS/Data/WPS_GEOG/'

out_format = 'WPS',
prefix = 'FILE',

fg_name = 'FILE'


  • rslError_03.PNG
    212.6 KB · Views: 9
  • rslError_02.PNG
    208.4 KB · Views: 6
  • rslError_01.PNG
    187.6 KB · Views: 8
there are several errors In your names.input:
(1) end_day = 26, 261, 01, should be
end_day = 26, 26, 01,
(2) dx = 15000,
dy = 15000,
Should be
dx = 15000, 5000,
dy = 15000, 5000,
(3) Why are the following options not activated? For real-data case, physics should be activated.
ra_lw_physics = 0, 0, 0,
ra_sw_physics = 0, 0, 0,
radt = 30, 30, 30,
sf_sfclay_physics = 0, 0, 0,
sf_surface_physics = 0, 0, 0,
bl_pbl_physics = 0, 0, 0,
Thank you!

I am trying to just get WRF to run real data all the way to the end. Once I do that, I will specify physics and dynamics specific to my research. Anyway, I added a little physics and fixed the namelist errors. Thanks for pointing those out!

Right now, the final line of both the rsl.error and rsl.out files is: d01 2018-03-26_00:00:00 real_em: SUCCESS COMPLETE REAL_EM INIT
Does this mean that it ran ok?

I've attached the image of what I see in the command line. It makes me think there is an mpi issue where I'm running WRF. I get the same mpi message if I continue anyway and run wrf.exe.


  • realCommandError.PNG
    52.9 KB · Views: 11
You are right that the message at the end of RSL files indicates that REAL has run successfully. You can move on to run WRF.
Just for your information, WRF User Guide can be found at:
You can find many helpful information for WRF runs there.