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real.exe invalid parent id for domain 2

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hi. I receive an error while running real.exe through a batch script regarding "invalid parent id for domain 2" (see below)
I attached the namelist.wps and namelist.input .

taskid: 3 hostname: nid00128
module_io_quilt_old.F 2931, T
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
invalid parent id for domain 2
Rank 3 [Fri Aug 14 15:36:47 2020] [c0-0c2s0n0] application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 3


  • namelist-input.txt
    4 KB · Views: 124
  • namelist-wps.txt
    1.4 KB · Views: 112
Such errors are common in wrf. Mostly occurs due to hidden characters in namelist. Try a different namelist with the same values as your current.

I am still running into issues regarding "invalid parent id" with real.exe. I have used namelist examples (I am tyring to run with Dust using the WRF-Chem tutorial Exercise 1 example) and edited them such that I do not believe there are any hidden characters. Furthermore, I ran real.exe using just the coarse domain, d1, and had no issues. But when I modify that namelist for nesting with d1 and d2, I get the above above. I am attaching my namelist.input that is for a nested domain (2 total domains), the error output, and the namelist.wps (this has 3 domains, for I eventually want to have 2 nests + the coarse domain).
Any addition thoughts for how to troubleshoot would be greatly appreciated.


  • namelist_input.txt
    8.2 KB · Views: 145
  • namelist_wps.txt
    1.5 KB · Views: 104
  • rsl.error.0000.txt
    892 bytes · Views: 104
Hi Paul,
I think the problem may be rooted from your setting of i/j_parent_start. You have those set to 5, meaning just 5 spaces in from the edge of the boundary. You need a decent amount of buffer zone between each domain, and that is not nearly enough. As a side note, your domain sizes are also too small. We advise to have e_we and e_sn atleast 100x100. Take a look at this best practice page that provides recommendations for good domain set-ups:

Thank you very much for help and pointing me towards the best practices website! I will implement these tips moving forward.
