Hello, I have a very beginner question.
I am following the tutorial instructions to do the setup, configuration in Cheyenne. But I got stuck on running real.exe.
I type ./real.exe
and the error shows:
MPT ERROR: mpiexec_mpt must be used to launch all MPI applications
Then I try to set up the script this way:
#!/bin/csh -f
#PBS -N wrf
#PBS -A xxxxxx
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -q economy
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=36
### Set TMPDIR as recommended
setenv TMPDIR /glade/scratch/$USER/temp
mkdir -p $TMPDIR
### Run the executable
mpiexec_mpt ./real.exe > output_file
The error shows:
Not invoked from a known Work Load Manager:
o For PBS : PBS_NODEFILE is not set.
o For SLURM : SLURM_JOB_ID is not set.
mpiexec_mpt error: Aborting.
Hope someone could help me!
Thank you!
I am following the tutorial instructions to do the setup, configuration in Cheyenne. But I got stuck on running real.exe.
I type ./real.exe
and the error shows:
MPT ERROR: mpiexec_mpt must be used to launch all MPI applications
Then I try to set up the script this way:
#!/bin/csh -f
#PBS -N wrf
#PBS -A xxxxxx
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -q economy
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -l select=2:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=36
### Set TMPDIR as recommended
setenv TMPDIR /glade/scratch/$USER/temp
mkdir -p $TMPDIR
### Run the executable
mpiexec_mpt ./real.exe > output_file
The error shows:
Not invoked from a known Work Load Manager:
o For PBS : PBS_NODEFILE is not set.
o For SLURM : SLURM_JOB_ID is not set.
mpiexec_mpt error: Aborting.
Hope someone could help me!
Thank you!