hello friends
i am trying to run real.exe and wrf.exe by using mpirun.
so i make mpi.host file to use slave node and try to run(comment: mpirun -np 16 -machinefile mpi.host ./real.exe).
but it didn't work and show this error message.
so i try to use main node and make new mpi.host file.
and the comment(mpirun -np 2 -machinefile mpi.host ./real.exe) is work!
and wrf.exe also in same error and it work in main node not slave node.
but i have to use slave nodes for wrf.exe because of calculation time.
how can i fix this error and why it happend?
i am trying to run real.exe and wrf.exe by using mpirun.
so i make mpi.host file to use slave node and try to run(comment: mpirun -np 16 -machinefile mpi.host ./real.exe).
but it didn't work and show this error message.
so i try to use main node and make new mpi.host file.
and the comment(mpirun -np 2 -machinefile mpi.host ./real.exe) is work!
and wrf.exe also in same error and it work in main node not slave node.
but i have to use slave nodes for wrf.exe because of calculation time.
how can i fix this error and why it happend?