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real.exe, wrf.exe: mpirun didn't work


New member
hello friends :)
i am trying to run real.exe and wrf.exe by using mpirun.
so i make file to use slave node and try to run(comment: mpirun -np 16 -machinefile ./real.exe).
but it didn't work and show this error message.
so i try to use main node and make new file.
and the comment(mpirun -np 2 -machinefile ./real.exe) is work!

and wrf.exe also in same error and it work in main node not slave node.
but i have to use slave nodes for wrf.exe because of calculation time.
how can i fix this error and why it happend?
I guess the 'slave node' is not connected/communicated with your main node. Unfortunately I don't have an answer how to fix this issue. I always use 'machinefile' to ensure communication between different processors and it works just fine.
Hope someone in the community knows how to fix the issue. Can you consult your computer manager how to implement 'slave node'?