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Reason for changing NLCD LULC index 23 and 25 to 24 using NOAH LSM?


New member

I am working with the WRF version 4.4.2 and noticed something odd in the file module_physics_init.F under the phys directory.

IF(TRIM(mminlu) .EQ. 'NLCD40')THEN
CALL wrf_message('Using NLCD40 for Noah, redefine urban categories ')
DO j=jts,jte
DO i=its,ite
IF(IVGTYP(i,j)==23) IVGTYP(i,j) = 24 <---- THIS
IF(IVGTYP(i,j)==25) IVGTYP(i,j) = 24 <---- THIS
I'm looking for some potential insight into why this is being done. Why not just leave the IVGTYP for LU_INDEX 23 and 25 as they are? Is there any particular reason? I am working on high-resolution (37m) resolution LES runs in urban areas using NLCD data and was thinking of removing this portion.

Let me know,
I am following up on this again. I have found no apparent reason for changing these urban NLCD land cover classes and have thus removed this portion of the code.