Dear All,
I have MODIS EVI and LSWI data which I need to provide as input to WRF through auxinput 15 stream. How can I regrid my data to WRF grid which is in LCC projection system. I have reprojected my input data's using the variables such as CEN_LON, LAT1 LAT2 present in global attributes of geo_em_d01 netcdf files. However, Now I am confused as to how to clip out exact area of WRF domain and how to set south_north and west_east dimension of input files to WRF domain. Please help......
I have MODIS EVI and LSWI data which I need to provide as input to WRF through auxinput 15 stream. How can I regrid my data to WRF grid which is in LCC projection system. I have reprojected my input data's using the variables such as CEN_LON, LAT1 LAT2 present in global attributes of geo_em_d01 netcdf files. However, Now I am confused as to how to clip out exact area of WRF domain and how to set south_north and west_east dimension of input files to WRF domain. Please help......