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Regrid my input data to WRF grid for LCC projection

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Dear All,
I have MODIS EVI and LSWI data which I need to provide as input to WRF through auxinput 15 stream. How can I regrid my data to WRF grid which is in LCC projection system. I have reprojected my input data's using the variables such as CEN_LON, LAT1 LAT2 present in global attributes of geo_em_d01 netcdf files. However, Now I am confused as to how to clip out exact area of WRF domain and how to set south_north and west_east dimension of input files to WRF domain. Please help......
Unfortunately we are only able to support the WPS and WRF modeling system. We do not support any utilities that do what you're wanting to do. I would suggest trying to find a tool you can use, and perhaps someone else who has experience with this will see this post and be able to provide some help to you.