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related to micro physical processes

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


Dear sir,
I installed WRF3.9 in my system and run the model. I got the simple microphysical variables like mixing ratio of ice, rainwater, snow etc. But, i need microphysical processes like a rate of evaporation, condensation etc. These are present in WRF registry or not?? if not present, how can i get?? please help me.
thank you

N Y Srinivas,
NIT rourkela,
I would recommend doing a case-insensitive search through the registry (Registry.EM_COMMON) to find the variables you are interested in. Note that some variables are specific to particular schemes, so the output may be dependent on what schemes you are using for your simulation. If you find a variable you need, you can set it to "h" in the I/O column. For example, this variable in the Registry file:
state    real   p_hyd_w         ikj     dyn_em      1         Z       r        "p_hyd_w"     "hydrostatic pressure at full levels"         "Pa"
is only set to be output to restart files ("r"), but if you add an "h":
state    real   p_hyd_w         ikj     dyn_em      1         Z       rh       "p_hyd_w"     "hydrostatic pressure at full levels"         "Pa"
then it will output the field in the history files, as well. If you do make changes to the registry, you'll need to recompile the code (./clean -a, reconfigure, then recompile).
Dear sir,
I little bit know about this registry. But, this is not contain rate of evaporation, condensation, sublimation etc. How can i get theses variables??
If the variables you want are not already in the code, unfortunately it will be your responsibility o make modifications to the code to include these. For example, you can make modifications to the microphysics scheme you are using. We don't have any pre-existing code with these modifications, unfortunately.