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related to moving nesting warning

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


Dear sir,
I tried to run the WRF model moving nesting with 3 domains such as one
static domain(parent; 27 km) and two moving domains (intermediate domain;9 km, inner most domain; 3km). I gave like this

In namelist.wps

geog_data_res = 'default', 'default','default',
geog_data_path = '/home/geog/'

In namelist.input

input_from_hires = .true., .true., .true.,
rsmas_data_path = "/home/geog/SurfaceFiles" (*****This SurfaceFiles folder contains glcc.usgs*.ts and topo.0*.ts)
parent_time_step_ratio = 1, 3, 3,
vortex_interval = 30, 30,
max_vortex_speed = 30, 30,
corral_dist = 10, 20,
track_level = 50000
time_to_move = 0
feedback = 1,
smooth_option = 0

But i got an warning message like "Warning : input_from_file turned on for domain 3, input_from_hires disabled".
Please tell me my mistake and how to rectify this one.

N.Y. Srinivas
NIT Rourkela
Thank you sir, for your quick response. Please find below attached namelist files (both namelist.wps and namelist.input) and error file.


  • namelist.wps
    1.5 KB · Views: 89
  • namelist.input
    5.3 KB · Views: 106
  • test_error.txt
    29.2 KB · Views: 68
Please follow the steps below to run moving nest:

set TERRAIN_AND_LANDUSE=1 environment variable

- reconfigure and recompile WRF

- in WPS namelist, change geog_data_res to utilize USGS data rather than default MODIS

- rerun geogrid.exe and metgrid.exe

- in WRF namelist, change num_land_cat=24 (in &physics section) to agree with USGS data... this and the geog_data_res changes were the ones that stumped me for several days

- in WRF namelist, add a couple lines in &time_control section:

input_from_hires = .false.,.true.,.true.,

rsmas_data_path = '/home/user/WRF/data/SurfaceFiles',

- run real.exe and wrf.exe
Dear sir,
Thank you for your help. I tried like a above procedure and type "ulimit -s unlimited" before run the wrf.exe. But, model run properly upto innermost domain reach the edge of the intermediate domain and after that it stop with showing error "segmentation fault and CFL criteria ( i fallowed <6*Dx criteria)" like a below attached file.
In out put file, i got model inner most domain moves up to edges of intermediate domain (like d3&d2.jpeg attached below). But, intermediate domain was didn't moved and showed the proper representation of vortex center (like d3.jpeg attached below) in all time steps. Is this error due to improper representation of vortex fallowing elements in namelist.input or any other mistake like surface_clay_phy and other? please give your valuable suggestions to rectify this problem.

Thank you.


  • rsl.error.0038.txt
    5.9 KB · Views: 58
  • rsl.error.0030.txt
    9.4 KB · Views: 61
  • d3&d2.jpg
    97.4 KB · Views: 2,140
  • d3.jpg
    58.4 KB · Views: 2,140
Did you build WRF with moving nest option? This error seems to be related to a fixed domain that cannot move following the vortex,
Dear sir,
I was installed WRF with moving nest option (option=3). This is work good for one static and one moving domain (2- domains) like a below attached image. But, 3-domains (1-static and 2- moving domains) shows this type of error. Did you check my vortex options namelist.input ? this is good for my required objective (like one static and two moving domains such as inner and intermediate).


  • d2.jpg
    92.8 KB · Views: 2,117
In the file rsl.error.0030.txt, there are error messages related to CFL violations, which indicates the model integration is unstable. However, the time step is reasonable. Please set corral_dist =8, 15, 20, then try again and let me know whether this case can run successfully.
Dear sir,
I got like a "MOAD can not move. Cancelling nest move in X ; MOAD can not move. Cancelling nest move in Y" and after that same error (CFL) like below. I wanted to run the model (Static ourter (54 km) domain and moving inner (18 km) and innermost domains (6 km). Sir please tell me, my vortex following variables needs three columns for above domain configuration (3- domains[1+2]) in namelist.input ?? is it correct??


  • namelist_input_sample.txt
    5.6 KB · Views: 88
  • rsl.error.0000_02.txt
    609.7 KB · Views: 60
Dear yernisrinivasnekkali
Did you solve the error/warning "MOAD can not move. Cancelling nest move in X ; MOAD can not move. Cancelling nest move in Y"?
Because I had the same problem but with vortex-following case and if you managed to solve it, could you give me step by step how to do it?
Sorry for the late reply. I didn't see this message. I hope, you resolved the problem. Otherwise, we will discuss.
yernisrinivasnekkali said:
Sorry for the late reply. I didn't see this message. I hope, you resolved the problem. Otherwise, we will discuss.
It's no problem, sorry for suddenly sending messages to you, but thanks for your reply in this post

Unfortunately, I have not solved it yet, but I figured out that the warning appeared because of difference vortex's moving speed and the result was domain cannot move to follow the vortex's center with the corral_dist value, which had been configured before.

I think it's ok to go with the result, because I have tried to change the corral_dist value and then I just got the same warning in different time. But I still hope that it can be solved to get a perfect result, so vortex's center always at the center of domain.