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Remaining Vortex when Using TC Bogus

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member

I have successfully performed TC bogusing in which I have removed the initial TC and then ran the WRF model successfully.

My issue however is that after removing the initially strong TC a remnant vortex seemingly still remains as you can see from the image below...


The vortex that I removed over Cuba has been weakened significantly, however it still remains.

The $tc part of my namelist looks like this..

# &tc
# insert_bogus_storm = .false.
# remove_storm = .true.
# latc_loc = 23.1
# lonc_loc = -80.2
# vmax_meters_per_second = 48.9
# rmax = 120000.0
# vmax_ratio = 0.85
# /

and I have tried varying the rmax, however there are no changes that occur to the remaining vortex.

My question is how do I completely remove the TC and not leave a weak vortex in its place? Is this possible utilizing the TC bogusing and if so how do I go about ensuring the original TC is fully removed.

Thank you for any help on this.
Have you tried to reduce the value of vmax_meters_per_second? Please let me know whether it works.
In this example I will only be removing a vortex and not replacing it with a bogus one, so the vmax should not matter in this case. I have tried setting the vmax to zero however the remnant weak vortex remains.

A working hypothesis on what is going on is that even at quarter degree resolution there are small-scale features which are not fully removed in the bogusing, thus allowing some remnant vorticity to remain and be enough to generate a weak wind field. I have done this same bogusing on 1 degree data and the bogusing process has much more efficiently removed the TC.