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Replacing new static data instead of old

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hi everyone,

I want to observe the effect of changes in static parameters on a storm by first zeroing in on related parameters such as land use or LAI, or soil moisture, sensitivity analysis to see which one the model responds to the most, and then replacing old data with the new one.
But I have two basic questions. First, by resetting the parameter, no change was observed and I do not know why.
Secondly, I have no idea about this data replacement. Can you help me? Or introduce a resource that I use?
What exactly is your question? Are you wanted to overwrite the values of LAI that already exist, or use a completely new set of data? If it's the former, I recommend doing a search (for 'LAI') on this forum to see what others mention. I also recommend looking through some of the topics in the FAQ page that discusses how to do this.
Hello, is there any progress in your idea? Like you, I want to try to modify EROD, LAI and other variables to explore their impact on dust emission. Therefore, I simply set LAI in WRfinPUT to 0 and changed EROD in most areas to high value, but there was no change in the simulation result of dust emission. I'd like to share your views with you.
@ kwerner
Thank you for you reply.The value of LAI has been replaced successful.But it doesn't have efect on EDUST.There,I am not clear about this problem at present.
kwerner said:
What exactly is your question? Are you wanted to overwrite the values of LAI that already exist, or use a completely new set of data? If it's the former, I recommend doing a search (for 'LAI') on this forum to see what others mention. I also recommend looking through some of the topics in the FAQ page that discusses how to do this.

I'm sorry but I do not know why parts of my writing have been lost.
I want to observe the effect of changes in static parameters on a storm by first zeroing in on related parameters such as land use or LAI, or soil moisture, sensitivity analysis to see which one the model responds to the most, and then replacing old data with the new one.
But I have two basic questions. First, by resetting the parameter, no change was observed and I do not know why.
Secondly, I have no idea about this data replacement. Can you help me? Or introduce a resource that I use?
Zhanghaopeng said:
Hello, is there any progress in your idea? Like you, I want to try to modify EROD, LAI and other variables to explore their impact on dust emission. Therefore, I simply set LAI in WRfinPUT to 0 and changed EROD in most areas to high value, but there was no change in the simulation result of dust emission. I'd like to share your views with you.

I have the same problem and so do you I did see no change in output.
Thanks for clarifying. To overwrite the data, you'll need to either overwrite the netCDF files (which I assume you can find methods online), or you can use a program that does this (such as NCL - see this presentation, starting with slide 40). If you use NCL and have questions about it, please post those questions to the NCL section of this forum.

As for not seeing a difference, can you attach your namelist.input file, and let me know a specific variable that isn't maintaining the change you made? What method are you using to modify the variable?
kwerner said:
Thanks for clarifying. To overwrite the data, you'll need to either overwrite the netCDF files (which I assume you can find methods online), or you can use a program that does this (such as NCL - see this presentation, starting with slide 40). If you use NCL and have questions about it, please post those questions to the NCL section of this forum.

As for not seeing a difference, can you attach your namelist.input file, and let me know a specific variable that isn't maintaining the change you made? What method are you using to modify the variable?

thanks for your reply. I have used NCL and have changed the, wrfinput_D01 ,wrflowinp_D01, the LAI of these files all modified. and check the value with ncdump and every thing was right. I can successfully run WPS and real.exe, but I run into an error when running wrf.exe.
The program runs for less than a second and then spits out the following error:

Timing for Writing wrfout_d01_2008-07-01_00:00:00 for domain 1:
1.24317 elapsed seconds
2 input_wrf: wrf_get_next_time current_date:
2008-07-01_00:00:00 Status = -11
At line 1003 of file input_wrf.f90
Fortran runtime error: End of record

The namelist.input, rsl.eror and input_wrf.90 are attached


  • namelist.input
    7.4 KB · Views: 7
  • rsl.error.txt
    4.4 KB · Views: 7
  • input_wrf.f90
    80.7 KB · Views: 8
I'm glad to hear that your original problem has been resolved and everything now looks correct. As for your new question, since the issue is different and related to running wrf, can you please post it as a new question in the wrf.exe section? We want to keep the content organized for searchability purposes. Thanks!