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Replacing the LANDMASK with LANDSEA

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


I have some problems modelling on the wind direction output in the coast a bay area. I think it mostly come from the representation of the land/sea cycle.
I think this must come from the use of the LANDSEA mask in ungrib, which has lower definition than LANDMASK in GEOGRID.
So currently I'm using ERA5 hourly data in ungrib and modis_30s_with_lakes in geogrid.
If I use LANDMASK instead LANDSEA, will I have any problem? as missing information or any other thing?


LANDSEA is used to represent landmask in the forcing data (e.g., ERA5 you are using). LANDMASK comes from georgic and it is used as WRF landmask.
For horizontal interpolation conducted in metgrid, both variables are needed for specific purpose to determine which data should be used and which should be skipped for interpolation.
You shouldn't replace landsea by landmark.