This is more of a GFS related question, but since the question involves the importing process, I guess this forum is the best place to ask.
AFAIK, systems like Google Earth and USGS Earth Explorer use the WGS-84 coordinate system. I'm using the 0.25deg resolution GFS data as input but I could not find which coordinate system GFS uses.
I'm pretty new to global weather simulations (and details like coordinate systems and projection methods). Does the projection method I choose in WPS (Mercator, Lambert, etc.) affect how the reference lat/long values defined in the namelist.wps end up in the WRF simulation? Are the lat/long values fully compatible between GFS/WPS/WRF and other sources like Google Earth and USGS Earth Explorer?
This is more of a GFS related question, but since the question involves the importing process, I guess this forum is the best place to ask.
AFAIK, systems like Google Earth and USGS Earth Explorer use the WGS-84 coordinate system. I'm using the 0.25deg resolution GFS data as input but I could not find which coordinate system GFS uses.
I'm pretty new to global weather simulations (and details like coordinate systems and projection methods). Does the projection method I choose in WPS (Mercator, Lambert, etc.) affect how the reference lat/long values defined in the namelist.wps end up in the WRF simulation? Are the lat/long values fully compatible between GFS/WPS/WRF and other sources like Google Earth and USGS Earth Explorer?