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(RESOLVED) Does GFS Forecast Data Include SST?

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

I used GFS forecast field for initialization of WRF.
Is GFS forecast field have SST data?
what is the meaning of updating boundary condition/SST?
Kindly clear those points.
You can use one of our utilities (e.g., g2print.exe) to check the data to see what is included. From the WPS/ directory, you can type:
./util/g2print.exe path-to-one-of-your-gfs-files
assuming this is GRIB2 data. If it's GRIB2, you can use the g2print.exe command instead.
You can also use the wgrib2 utility to check.

We use atmospheric data to update the boundary conditions at the intervals the data is provided. The boundaries are the actual boundaries of the domain. So say you have data available every 6 hours - the GFS data at those boundaries will be used to update the initial conditions.
Thank you for your reply.
It have cleared some of my confusion but still I have doubt.

Let say, I want to initialize my model with a day e.g. 15th Oct 2020 00z. Then I want to integrate my model upto 72 hours.

Then I need to take GFS forecast data of 00z for 72 hours. Right? It will update automatically the boundary condition. Am I right?
Assuming that when you say "GFS forecast data of 00z," you mean the data that is initialized at 00z, then yes, that is correct. You will want the forecast from that initial time, out through 72 hours, in order to run a 72 hour forecast.