I'm running WRF with ERA-Interim data(pressure level, RH not included), can I use specific humidity, 2m temperature and 2m dewpoint temperature to calculate relative humidity instead of ungribbing it from ERA-interim RH data file during the ungrib procedure?
I simply add SPECHUMD to the Vtable.ECMWF and others are the same.

Then I notice this RH data calculated from SPECHUMD, 2m TT and 2m DEWPT are different from the ungribbed ERA-Interim RH data in met_em*.nc, what could be the problem?
Thanks so much,
I'm running WRF with ERA-Interim data(pressure level, RH not included), can I use specific humidity, 2m temperature and 2m dewpoint temperature to calculate relative humidity instead of ungribbing it from ERA-interim RH data file during the ungrib procedure?
I simply add SPECHUMD to the Vtable.ECMWF and others are the same.

Then I notice this RH data calculated from SPECHUMD, 2m TT and 2m DEWPT are different from the ungribbed ERA-Interim RH data in met_em*.nc, what could be the problem?
Thanks so much,